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Scottsburg, Indiana Police Station Crime Information
There were 2 registered sex offenders living in Scottsburg as of January, 2024. The ratio of all residents to sex offenders in Scottsburg is 3,358 to 1. The ratio of registered sex offenders to all residents in this city is considerably lower than the state average. The 2018 crime rate in Scottsburg was 261, which was about the average for the U.S. cities. It was higher than in 83.8% U.S. cities. The crime rate in Scottsburg decreased by 13% from 2017 to 2018. In the last 5 years, Scottsburg has seen a decrease in violent crime and a decrease in property crime.
Scottsburg crime rates are 1,770 per 100k, which is 4% lower than Indiana
Property Crime
1,477 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
293 crimes per 100k
Accident reports can be acquired by visiting the website To locate an accident report, individuals first should select the state in which the accident occurred. Individuals must select the jurisdiction in which the accident occurred as well. Users are then given three options to choose from to locate the accident report. The first option to locate the record is to enter the accident report number provided by the police. The second option is to enter the last name of the individual involved in the accident and the date the accident occurred. The last option is to provide the last name of the individual involved and the name of the street where the accident occurred.
Chief of Police: Scott Zellers
Phone: (812) 752-4462
Scottsburg Police Department Address:
203 S Lake Rd
N Scottsburg, IN 47170